Symposium Child Abductions in Europel 

Geschrieben von: E-K, Wien  
Dienstag, den 10. Mai 2016 um 10:33 Uhr

1st International Symposium Child Abductions in Europe - a critical analysis Destruction of the Family by Child Abduction Child Abductions as Destabilisation Human Rights and Responsibility

Saturday, 28 May 2016
Grand Hotel Vienna, Kärntner Ring 9, 1010 Vienna/Austria/Europe
 Room 9 (4thfloor)
  At 11.00
 Conference Languages: English/German

Mrs  Beate  Kelly  is  a  grandmother  whose  grandchild  was  allegedly  abducted  by  the  youth welfare office for no obvious reason. She fled from Germany to Malta some years ago and will attend the symposium in order to speak about her experience (please see the text excerpt of her letter to the UN below).
Please accept this as an open invitation to invite any other persons or bodies you feel may assist us in our worthy cause. „ … Whatever reason for Jugendamt is acting like a government organisation but it is not  since thereis  no  supervising  authority  and  German  government  does  not  feel  responsible  and  keeps  ignoring the situation. Since criticism did not stop a very strange development started in which social workersin  collaboration  with  family  judges  and  prosecutors abduct children of families  without any  kind  of. Court decrees are issued with missing signatures of the judges, in many cases even man ipulated  and  children  are  deported  by  assistance  of  German  police  officers  in  Swat-style  raids. Mothers, fathers, grandparents and/or other relatives who have care and custody of a child are a ccused to suffer from mental illness and declared to be unable to bring up a child. These decrees arebased  on statements  of  persons in charge  of  the Jugendamt and expen sive  psychologist’s opinions  the victims are forced into, threatened by the persons in charge of Jugendamt and Family courts i they do not accept a psychologist’s opinion they would never see the child again. In result the vi ctims have no chance than to accept a psychologist’s opinion which in all cases ends up in accusing the victims of not being able to bring up their child and leading to child abduction. Furthermore pe rsons  in  charge  of  Jugendamt  and  family  judges  are  issuing  diagnosis  on  the  mental  health  of mothers,  fathers  or  everyone  who  is  holding  care  and  custody  of  a  child.  (Evidence  can  be  provided). In the year 2014 we are talking about a number of more than 48.000 children abducted and for theyear  2015 Germany  has  most  probably reached  the  number  of  over  50.000.  This  means over  100 children are being separated from their families day by day. Since these abductions have been going on for many years we must face a number of a couple of 100.000 children involved. So far there is 2/2 no proof that one child’s life has been saved by the methods Jugendamt is using. Still every second day a child comes to death in Germany due to mistreatment. Jugendamt  tries  to  make  the  victims  believe,  they  are  a  single  case.  Nearly  50.000  abductions  in 2015 prove the opposite. Trying to get their children back home, the victims have no chance but to go through court sittings and in most cases spend a lot of money for lawyers and psychologist’s  opinions. This does in many cases result into the financial collapse of families. The children are placed either in foster families or foster homes, in many cases hundreds of kilometres from their families or even abroad. Brothers and sisters are often separated. In some cases family members are allowed to  visit  the child  once  a week , often less,  for  the  duration  of  maybe  one  or  two  hours  but have  to travel hundreds of kilometres for the meeting. These meetings take place under observation and inmany cases are video recorded by the authorities whereas every court sitting inGermany is taking place behind closed doors and without an independent and transparent documentation. Furthermore there are cases where families do not even get informed where their child is placed. The case of Ge lsenkirchen which has been revealed in 2015 shows that child abduction has become a highly profitable business … „ (Extract of the letter to UN Secretary General Ban Ki -moon by Beate Kelly) m„ … Approximately 12,000 children are in foster care in Austria. Children are removed forcibly from their parents in a process that reminds one of the horrors of the inquisition or the GESTAPO: Chil dren  are  picked up  from  their schools,  their  families  and  other locations  by  the  police  and/or  social workers  as  soon  as  the  Youth  Welfare  Services  opine  that  "danger  is  present".  Such  assertions  -including  the  forcible  removal  of  children  -  frequently are "justified"  by  accusations  of neglect,  parents'  inability  to  feed  their  children,  so-called  symbiotic  relationships  between  parents  and  child, suspicions  of  sexual and/or  psychological abuse  or  a  parents' supposed  proneness  to  suicide.  Frequently,  siblings  are  living  in  different  foster  homes.  According  to  several  reports,  social  workers from  the  Youth  Welfare  Services  pressured  young  mothers  to  give  up  their  newborns.  A  seri es  of reports will be published in order to inform the public about child abductions by authorities … „
Yours sincerely, Sissi Kammerlander
Co-founder and spokesperson
Association for the Restoration and Preservation of Dignity of Survivors of Sexual Abuse Organization to support and encourage persons who have experienced violence in Austria
  independent
 non-partisan
ZVR-Zahl: 731091641
Operngasse 30, 1040 Vienna/Austria/Europe

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